Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Friday, December 23, 2005
~~XmAs XcHAnGE~~
YEah... xmas xchange is finally oVer... whaha... tHX 4 everione who participated!! n i guess lots of u got more den a present!! yeaAh.. so Nice Rite.. whaha... i m Sooo HappY... noT tt is oVer or wAd buT is OuR 1st EVENT!!!! wOOEoeoohOoooehooo.. !!!! whHAha...
thOugh a loT oF pPl r buZi wiF ASSgn n ClaymatioN.. IS okIe.. Ppl whO attEnDed i beLieve dEy enJoi emSelVes... kekee... Yea!!! tHx a lot eVeri BodY...
m So TiREz... goOna pLAy a biT of GaME b4 i Lie FLAt on mY bEd... miSS my bEd siA... whHaha...
m So HApppieeee....
looKin 4waRd tO wRk wiF dET peePs...
n MeRRY ChriStMaS~~
thOugh a loT oF pPl r buZi wiF ASSgn n ClaymatioN.. IS okIe.. Ppl whO attEnDed i beLieve dEy enJoi emSelVes... kekee... Yea!!! tHx a lot eVeri BodY...
m So TiREz... goOna pLAy a biT of GaME b4 i Lie FLAt on mY bEd... miSS my bEd siA... whHaha...
m So HApppieeee....
looKin 4waRd tO wRk wiF dET peePs...
n MeRRY ChriStMaS~~
Monday, December 19, 2005
HoLidayS are CominG!!
wOott.. finally.. my drawing is done.. wif much effort... did my coloring e morn... damn lazi... duno wad m i doin...(i dun mean e assgn...) hmm..overall i tink is okie oni.. can be a lot more beta... but due to time constrain.. hmmm.. noting much to blog actually... but feel like a lot.. juz wanna blog... tis is e 7th week of sch... n i m left wif my storyboard... hopefully can passed... coz even if i m not doing my story... i duno who to grp wif.. someone juz take me in.. pls... whaha..
and e nxt ting tt's gonna happen... is e xmas tingy... streSS man.. hopefully noting COCKS up.. whha.. plS... hopefully u guyS can juX give me a gd Job.. n tt's it ... no mOre.. plS.. juZ 4 onCe i hopE... enuFf of thESe....
tErm BreAK is coming... n i hope i can spend my time wisely..
- Pack mY roOm
- Pack My wArdRobE...
- BuY grapHiRe..
- Buy eXotIQue (hinting 4 xmas gift) whaha.. i noe everione will ignore tis one.. sob sobz...
- buy D'artiste DigitaL paiNtiNG book... $90.82
- improvE my DrawIng..
- Do My asSgn...
1. MotiON GrapHiCs... week 9
2. ChaRactEr AnImAtiON... week 10
3. drawing??? so mani tings to draw!!!
now cant tink of any other tings yet...
xMas is COminG... but like notin much.. no Fun no notinG... felt like i m in another space w/o FRIENDS!!! wad is fren man.. hai...
and e nxt ting tt's gonna happen... is e xmas tingy... streSS man.. hopefully noting COCKS up.. whha.. plS... hopefully u guyS can juX give me a gd Job.. n tt's it ... no mOre.. plS.. juZ 4 onCe i hopE... enuFf of thESe....
tErm BreAK is coming... n i hope i can spend my time wisely..
- Pack mY roOm
- Pack My wArdRobE...
- BuY grapHiRe..
- Buy eXotIQue (hinting 4 xmas gift) whaha.. i noe everione will ignore tis one.. sob sobz...
- buy D'artiste DigitaL paiNtiNG book... $90.82
- improvE my DrawIng..
- Do My asSgn...
1. MotiON GrapHiCs... week 9
2. ChaRactEr AnImAtiON... week 10
3. drawing??? so mani tings to draw!!!
now cant tink of any other tings yet...
xMas is COminG... but like notin much.. no Fun no notinG... felt like i m in another space w/o FRIENDS!!! wad is fren man.. hai...
Thursday, December 15, 2005
ArrgGhghhh... sTreSs...
wTf... i cant install maya 7.0... know why... coz is CorruPteD!!!! tinK tt might b part of e reasON why my harddisk dun woRk at hm... soB soBz.... tRieD instAllinG mayA 6.5.. but e kEygEn is nOT wRking... haI.. so siAn man.. bhaKtA sICk.. no neEd shOw stRyboarD le.. but i mondae sure DIe.. if i duN do It nOw.. kEkeE..
toDae cReate a nEw nICk 4 my lecturer... wAnA acT dAo wif mE.. u suRe diE loR... n Now he's cAlled BABA in mY lisT... whOEver kNOws e mEaninG.. gOOd 4 U... thoSe hU duNOo, slOwly tiNk lor... hMm.. toDAe reAli tiRe... wAKe eAriL in e Morn 4 FreNCh cLAss.. buT frEncH clAss was OkiE toDae... din ReaaLi leaRn muCh toDae... n nXt week iS e tEst.. waD Duh... muZ stUDi 4 my FreNch... bUt nvM.. i lOve FreNCH... J'aimE FrAnçaIs... whHAa.. hHmmm..
kInda a Bit StrEss.. aFt wAd my siS toLd me... buT hoPefully KeNa... 300 bUcks!!! n i Can gEt all E art bOok i tt i Wan... whaha.. goNna pRay HarD... =P *whoEver who unstd... good 4 u...
goNna go do mY stryBd le... tMl goIng to sCh EARLY to do my maya assgn.. due tml.. hai.. tml 100 buCKs!! yEah!! thoUgh my aSsgn doNe 30% (only) buT tiNK will comPletE iT veri fAst... kk..
Au ReVoiR..
toDae cReate a nEw nICk 4 my lecturer... wAnA acT dAo wif mE.. u suRe diE loR... n Now he's cAlled BABA in mY lisT... whOEver kNOws e mEaninG.. gOOd 4 U... thoSe hU duNOo, slOwly tiNk lor... hMm.. toDAe reAli tiRe... wAKe eAriL in e Morn 4 FreNCh cLAss.. buT frEncH clAss was OkiE toDae... din ReaaLi leaRn muCh toDae... n nXt week iS e tEst.. waD Duh... muZ stUDi 4 my FreNch... bUt nvM.. i lOve FreNCH... J'aimE FrAnçaIs... whHAa.. hHmmm..
kInda a Bit StrEss.. aFt wAd my siS toLd me... buT hoPefully KeNa... 300 bUcks!!! n i Can gEt all E art bOok i tt i Wan... whaha.. goNna pRay HarD... =P *whoEver who unstd... good 4 u...
goNna go do mY stryBd le... tMl goIng to sCh EARLY to do my maya assgn.. due tml.. hai.. tml 100 buCKs!! yEah!! thoUgh my aSsgn doNe 30% (only) buT tiNK will comPletE iT veri fAst... kk..
Au ReVoiR..
Sunday, December 11, 2005
freaKiN lAzi...
haben been doin any ting todae.. except for register for basic theory test.. and goin to ta bao bak Ku TeH 4 my family... n baking a caramel cake.. (taste NICe SiA)... Arrgghh... i m so lazi... reali veri lazi n tire todae.. cant even lift my finger to start doin anyting at all... but lucky manage to redo my motion graphic assgn1... hmm.. i will say beta den my previous one.. but i m too lazi to make it even better... so muz try harder... plus i have gt lotsa ting to do.. coz nxt week gOOna b buzi week for me... gonNA b working foR like 4 dAys in a wEek... n i gt no time 4 all my aSsgn...
assgn to be done by tis week...:
- drawing research and final char design...
- char animation .. tt stupid leg to jump...
- french e-assessment.. OMG.. pRint color sIa... mUZ do at hm.. n A essAy in FRENCH~~~
- piTch... oMG.. stRy boArD DUe to tMl.. n i haben done a single box.. kekee...
- improvise motioN graphICs AsS 1.. kekee... (DONE!!!) finally someting tt i haf done...
so is like..1 out of 5 done... n i aint haf much time nXT wEek... buT 4 e SakE of 250 nXt wEek, i GUeSs is WOrTh iT... goNna buY lotSa stUFf whEn i hAf saVe enUff... kekE... oH... juZ rEM abt e artbook tt i mention earlier... $38.. i m gonNA buY iT... e Art oF dArKwAtch... kekee.. tiS is gOnnA b my 1sT ArtBook tt i hAve evEr bUy... (if any one of u juz know tt i m not a ARTS person.. StuPId Art!!!) i lOVe sCienCe...
hai.. so stupid of me to have chose tis course.. but wadever it is.. i m in... n i shld b happy of wad i m now... sometimes... when i took out my contact lEns... i seem to another pErson in Me... e oLd me... e oLd me wHo iS alwAyz so MotiVateD... wHen i wEar my LenZ... i couLd anothEr mE... somE onE whO iS conFidEnt?? Nah... my foot!~~~ crap Again...
assgn to be done by tis week...:
- drawing research and final char design...
- char animation .. tt stupid leg to jump...
- french e-assessment.. OMG.. pRint color sIa... mUZ do at hm.. n A essAy in FRENCH~~~
- piTch... oMG.. stRy boArD DUe to tMl.. n i haben done a single box.. kekee...
- improvise motioN graphICs AsS 1.. kekee... (DONE!!!) finally someting tt i haf done...
so is like..1 out of 5 done... n i aint haf much time nXT wEek... buT 4 e SakE of 250 nXt wEek, i GUeSs is WOrTh iT... goNna buY lotSa stUFf whEn i hAf saVe enUff... kekE... oH... juZ rEM abt e artbook tt i mention earlier... $38.. i m gonNA buY iT... e Art oF dArKwAtch... kekee.. tiS is gOnnA b my 1sT ArtBook tt i hAve evEr bUy... (if any one of u juz know tt i m not a ARTS person.. StuPId Art!!!) i lOVe sCienCe...
hai.. so stupid of me to have chose tis course.. but wadever it is.. i m in... n i shld b happy of wad i m now... sometimes... when i took out my contact lEns... i seem to another pErson in Me... e oLd me... e oLd me wHo iS alwAyz so MotiVateD... wHen i wEar my LenZ... i couLd anothEr mE... somE onE whO iS conFidEnt?? Nah... my foot!~~~ crap Again...
Friday, November 25, 2005
FrEAkin TiRe.. n bUzi....
TMD... i m freaking tire n buzi... din had any gd nite slp at all since last week... juz something tt i wanna say ouUUuuuuuT LOUD!!!!
for those of u out there, if u tink u've done a lot... but in fact u didnt and talk lotsa crap... Den SHUTTTTT UPPPPPP!!!!! keep ur bloODY MOuTh SHuT n DO sOMe WoRK... gNikCuFeLoHsSa... dUn aCt liKe u R coMmiTtEed buT u R noT at All!!! bAcksTAbbErs!!!
dun even had time for anyting at all... where's my life... did i lost it or i din had any... someone tell me... i hate it man.. when i gt no life at all.. it feels like shit... arrggh... my leg is numbed again... pathetic... sian...
eLoHsSa OuT theRe, Ya'BeTtEr wAtCH Out!
for those of u out there, if u tink u've done a lot... but in fact u didnt and talk lotsa crap... Den SHUTTTTT UPPPPPP!!!!! keep ur bloODY MOuTh SHuT n DO sOMe WoRK... gNikCuFeLoHsSa... dUn aCt liKe u R coMmiTtEed buT u R noT at All!!! bAcksTAbbErs!!!
dun even had time for anyting at all... where's my life... did i lost it or i din had any... someone tell me... i hate it man.. when i gt no life at all.. it feels like shit... arrggh... my leg is numbed again... pathetic... sian...
eLoHsSa OuT theRe, Ya'BeTtEr wAtCH Out!
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
in sCH... WaitIng... waItIng.. n WaiTinG...
alrite.. i m now in mac lab... came to sch todae coz was suppose to find ms amy for e model tingy ... for e sch posters... i ask ss to come along.. coz i paiseh.. kekee.. den took passport size photo .. den dey will chose.. so i guess i wont be selected.. whaha... ss sure kena one...
kk... den now was doin proposal... juz sent to bryandt n mic... suppose to do my french hw.. but ended doin e proposal... rcv a mail from mr eugene... is a book on the art of darkwatch.. feel like buying it.. coz veri chio lor.. n art inside all fantasy one.. kinda wad i like.. but i dun do.. keke.. but veri ex.. US 34.95. so is like sg $ 50++?? yah.. hai... guess i haf to go meet mr eugene now for e discussion for e caterer.. n other stuff.. oh.. n e skillful huntsman book... duno shld i buy a not.. coz is at a offered price of $38 now.. instead of $60... but so break lor... will c how...
gonna do my french now... tonite will try to blog again.. since ppll are sayin i m not blogging...
~Au rEvOir~
kk... den now was doin proposal... juz sent to bryandt n mic... suppose to do my french hw.. but ended doin e proposal... rcv a mail from mr eugene... is a book on the art of darkwatch.. feel like buying it.. coz veri chio lor.. n art inside all fantasy one.. kinda wad i like.. but i dun do.. keke.. but veri ex.. US 34.95. so is like sg $ 50++?? yah.. hai... guess i haf to go meet mr eugene now for e discussion for e caterer.. n other stuff.. oh.. n e skillful huntsman book... duno shld i buy a not.. coz is at a offered price of $38 now.. instead of $60... but so break lor... will c how...
gonna do my french now... tonite will try to blog again.. since ppll are sayin i m not blogging...
~Au rEvOir~
sHort ShoRt PoSt...
alrite... i understand i haben been bloging.. but is kinda buzi.. yah.. holi are over... buzi working and goin chalet n etc... so buzi.. n now is areadi week 2 since sch reopen. so fast... some upcoming events from sdn club... xmas xchange... n a so called arts festive from sch of design.. kekee.. but tt's in e distant future.. wad's else to update in my life..???
sch reopen... took french classes... got a french name... Chantal... kekee.. liked it.. France (eunice) help me chose one.. keke.. so funi lor.. but sway sway we diff class.. n i tink her class is beta.. e lecturer more humourous... n he teaches more.. unlike my female lecturer... hai... speak so much french in class w/o explaining e meaning to us.. haiyo... but french class will b so much more fun wif eunice..
oh... n last thur was her bdae.. me n dear bought her a 4 leaf clover necklace.. e 1st ting i tot is tt necklace tt we saw when we went 4 steamboat.. coz she said she like it.. kekee... so last week went down orchard to buy.. so mani design to chose.. but i chose e one tt we 1st saw.. a rectangle one.. nice lor...
oh yah.. suddenly juz tot of tis.. mr alex was our model for drawing class.. he so tall n fit lor.. den yest we commenting tt he gt a big chest... he damn fit lor... though he's skinny.. ren by ke mao Xiang.. den i 4get who made e comments but was saying his nipple veri big.. whaha.. but from we draw is quite true lor.. kekee.. no offence..
oh yah.. todae had a lecture wif ms lee n mr eugene... OMG.. hai.. all e tings tt eugene said was true.. felt more motivated todae to do well.. but aft a 3D test.. i felt demoralise again.. hai... when will i ever be good... or good enuff?? i reali hope i dun kena 1st or 2nd batch... only wish i gt wad it takes to be in there... or out there...
sch reopen... took french classes... got a french name... Chantal... kekee.. liked it.. France (eunice) help me chose one.. keke.. so funi lor.. but sway sway we diff class.. n i tink her class is beta.. e lecturer more humourous... n he teaches more.. unlike my female lecturer... hai... speak so much french in class w/o explaining e meaning to us.. haiyo... but french class will b so much more fun wif eunice..
oh... n last thur was her bdae.. me n dear bought her a 4 leaf clover necklace.. e 1st ting i tot is tt necklace tt we saw when we went 4 steamboat.. coz she said she like it.. kekee... so last week went down orchard to buy.. so mani design to chose.. but i chose e one tt we 1st saw.. a rectangle one.. nice lor...
oh yah.. suddenly juz tot of tis.. mr alex was our model for drawing class.. he so tall n fit lor.. den yest we commenting tt he gt a big chest... he damn fit lor... though he's skinny.. ren by ke mao Xiang.. den i 4get who made e comments but was saying his nipple veri big.. whaha.. but from we draw is quite true lor.. kekee.. no offence..
oh yah.. todae had a lecture wif ms lee n mr eugene... OMG.. hai.. all e tings tt eugene said was true.. felt more motivated todae to do well.. but aft a 3D test.. i felt demoralise again.. hai... when will i ever be good... or good enuff?? i reali hope i dun kena 1st or 2nd batch... only wish i gt wad it takes to be in there... or out there...
Saturday, September 10, 2005
AnoThEr INteRest.. wiLL it LaSt..
OKie.. as u can c.. my title.. shows tt i m interested something again.. which i duno can i continue it for long term...
todae went to work.. high tea buffet.. so was noting much.. juz tt dey had a mini fashion show.. which i tink e model shld reali go learn their cat walk again.. dey r walking so unnatural n i kept complaining to jj.. kekee.. he ask me go show em how model shld walk.. i was like -_-" fine.. keke.. i was kinda feelin wana go hm now.. when dey are having their fashion show.. mayb coz was discussing wif jj abt how no life i haf... den we even decided to go 4 buffet lunch or dinner at long jiang.. wif py.. chin.. n etc... i miss e times tt i spend lotsa money on QUALITY food.. now broke le.. no money.. keke.. n i miss my dear... he's now in m'sia celebrating his grandma bdae... hmmm... so i m veri bored during coz no MSG....
aft work i went to look 4 pAt... but who knows he went off liao.. he said he had dinner.. seHz... hai... den call sis ask her where she is.. den she said at JuROng.. wah>>> sehz again... den call bro... wHAHAaaa.. he's at taka.. n i m at parogon lor.... kekee... den went to look 4 him.. he's working... cameraman... 4 e NAtional Lion Dance Championships 2005... i was like duno wan to stay n watch ma... den i enter his work area... whaha.. e place where ONLY VIPS can sit... i sat there like i was one of em.. but i m not.. whaha... use my bro's pass as a shield.. kekee..
and so e competition started... tink tis is e 1st time i actually watched lion dance competition w/o tinking is bored.. mayb coz i m older now... noe how to apprecitate tings more... keke... =P so ...todae was like finals... there are 4 teams gonna compete... hmm... i m not gonna describe wad dey do but.. their stunts are real nice n natural... but i tink i prefer e 2nd team.. white lion... though dey gt 3rd... n e last was damn nice.. lots of challenge n it gt 1st... worth it.. oh yah.. might b coz e 2nd team was penalise if not dey might get 2nd... it was reali such a nice performace tt i felt joining lion dance.. whaha.. n bukit panjang cc haf lor.. moreover my bro sae he wanna join bak too.. he was in lion dance when he's in poly.. but 4 me is like i kinda miss those teamspirit wif no BACKSTABS... those reali caring n no fake buddies ard.. i miss tt.. or mayb i din had tt at all.. juz wanna feel those veri gd frenz n teammates.. no hard feelings be true n b real... k .. i m dragging a little too long here..
hmmm... juz my thoughts 4 todae... noting much... missing my boi now.. duno wad he do 2dae.. hope he's fine.. n i miss him so much.. got so much tings to tell him... okie... goin to slp now.. tml gonna go nata fair n c c... buy moon cake n work... sob SObz...
todae went to work.. high tea buffet.. so was noting much.. juz tt dey had a mini fashion show.. which i tink e model shld reali go learn their cat walk again.. dey r walking so unnatural n i kept complaining to jj.. kekee.. he ask me go show em how model shld walk.. i was like -_-" fine.. keke.. i was kinda feelin wana go hm now.. when dey are having their fashion show.. mayb coz was discussing wif jj abt how no life i haf... den we even decided to go 4 buffet lunch or dinner at long jiang.. wif py.. chin.. n etc... i miss e times tt i spend lotsa money on QUALITY food.. now broke le.. no money.. keke.. n i miss my dear... he's now in m'sia celebrating his grandma bdae... hmmm... so i m veri bored during coz no MSG....
aft work i went to look 4 pAt... but who knows he went off liao.. he said he had dinner.. seHz... hai... den call sis ask her where she is.. den she said at JuROng.. wah>>> sehz again... den call bro... wHAHAaaa.. he's at taka.. n i m at parogon lor.... kekee... den went to look 4 him.. he's working... cameraman... 4 e NAtional Lion Dance Championships 2005... i was like duno wan to stay n watch ma... den i enter his work area... whaha.. e place where ONLY VIPS can sit... i sat there like i was one of em.. but i m not.. whaha... use my bro's pass as a shield.. kekee..
and so e competition started... tink tis is e 1st time i actually watched lion dance competition w/o tinking is bored.. mayb coz i m older now... noe how to apprecitate tings more... keke... =P so ...todae was like finals... there are 4 teams gonna compete... hmm... i m not gonna describe wad dey do but.. their stunts are real nice n natural... but i tink i prefer e 2nd team.. white lion... though dey gt 3rd... n e last was damn nice.. lots of challenge n it gt 1st... worth it.. oh yah.. might b coz e 2nd team was penalise if not dey might get 2nd... it was reali such a nice performace tt i felt joining lion dance.. whaha.. n bukit panjang cc haf lor.. moreover my bro sae he wanna join bak too.. he was in lion dance when he's in poly.. but 4 me is like i kinda miss those teamspirit wif no BACKSTABS... those reali caring n no fake buddies ard.. i miss tt.. or mayb i din had tt at all.. juz wanna feel those veri gd frenz n teammates.. no hard feelings be true n b real... k .. i m dragging a little too long here..
hmmm... juz my thoughts 4 todae... noting much... missing my boi now.. duno wad he do 2dae.. hope he's fine.. n i miss him so much.. got so much tings to tell him... okie... goin to slp now.. tml gonna go nata fair n c c... buy moon cake n work... sob SObz...
Sunday, August 28, 2005
This is GOOD!!
Dear IT Support,
Last year I upgraded from Boyfriend 5.0 toHusband 1.0 and noticed a slow down in theoverall performance, particularly in the flower andjewellery applications that had operated flawlesslyunder Boyfriend 5.0.
In addition, Husband 1.0 uninstalled manyother valuable programs, such as Romance 9.5and Personal Attention 6.5, but installedundesirable programs such as Formula One 5.0,NBA 3.0, Premier League, Counter-Strike andWorldCup 2.0.
And now Conversation 8.0 no longer runs andHouse Cleaning 2.6 simply crashes the system.I've tried running Nagging 5.3 to fix these problems,but to no avail.
What can I do?
Dear Desperate,
First keep in mind: Boyfriend 5.0 is anentertainment package, while Husband 1.0 is anoperating system. Try entering the commandC:\ I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME and downloadTears 6.2 to install Guilt 3.0.
If all works as designed, Husband 1.0 shouldthen automatically run the applications Jewellery2.0 and Flowers 3.5.
But remember, over use can cause Husband1.0 to default to Grumpy Silence 2.5, Happy Hour7.0 or Late Night Teh Tarik 6.1. Late Night 6.1 is avery bad program that will createSnoringLoudly.wav files.
Whatever you do, DO NOT install Mother-in-Law 1.0 or reinstall another Boyfriend program.These are not supported applications and willcrash Husband 1.0.
In summary, Husband 1.0 is a great program,but it does have a limited memory and cannotlearn new applications quickly.
You might consider additional software toimprove memory and performance. I personallyrecommend Hot Food 3.0 and Lingerie 6.9.
Good Luck,
IT Support
* I was lazing ard again.. n i juz went to read yan han'S blog and kaPok this.. tis is interesting n i tink is quite true... kekee..
Last year I upgraded from Boyfriend 5.0 toHusband 1.0 and noticed a slow down in theoverall performance, particularly in the flower andjewellery applications that had operated flawlesslyunder Boyfriend 5.0.
In addition, Husband 1.0 uninstalled manyother valuable programs, such as Romance 9.5and Personal Attention 6.5, but installedundesirable programs such as Formula One 5.0,NBA 3.0, Premier League, Counter-Strike andWorldCup 2.0.
And now Conversation 8.0 no longer runs andHouse Cleaning 2.6 simply crashes the system.I've tried running Nagging 5.3 to fix these problems,but to no avail.
What can I do?
Dear Desperate,
First keep in mind: Boyfriend 5.0 is anentertainment package, while Husband 1.0 is anoperating system. Try entering the commandC:\ I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME and downloadTears 6.2 to install Guilt 3.0.
If all works as designed, Husband 1.0 shouldthen automatically run the applications Jewellery2.0 and Flowers 3.5.
But remember, over use can cause Husband1.0 to default to Grumpy Silence 2.5, Happy Hour7.0 or Late Night Teh Tarik 6.1. Late Night 6.1 is avery bad program that will createSnoringLoudly.wav files.
Whatever you do, DO NOT install Mother-in-Law 1.0 or reinstall another Boyfriend program.These are not supported applications and willcrash Husband 1.0.
In summary, Husband 1.0 is a great program,but it does have a limited memory and cannotlearn new applications quickly.
You might consider additional software toimprove memory and performance. I personallyrecommend Hot Food 3.0 and Lingerie 6.9.
Good Luck,
IT Support
* I was lazing ard again.. n i juz went to read yan han'S blog and kaPok this.. tis is interesting n i tink is quite true... kekee..
Saturday, August 13, 2005
my words...
i felt like a stupid fool... mayb i was wrong all along e way.. shldnt haf done tis shldnt haf done tt... but why... if u tink u needed someone.. so do i.. i felt restrained.. i m a fool.. i had nv felt like tis b4... n i m feeling so stupid... juz feel like digging a hole n hide.. okie.. is all my fault... i m e one in e wrong.. i had nv done aniting rite in my entire whole life...
i had a dream... a dream tt i argue wif e ppl closest to me... i was crying bitterly.. but no sound came out... i could feel myself having difficulties to cry... panting heavily... i was like on e verge to die... i wish i reali did... n when i open my eyes.. i reali feel myself not able to cry... but feeling veri tight in my heart n throat... but soon tears rolled out... n i realise even in dreams i could b suffering... n yes... i like to bite myself when i m sad... i wish i could feel e pain physically... so i noe i m not hurt badly mentally...
"i wonder when will our quarrel end... actualli i already sick n tired of quarrelling with u on n off in a couple of days... i thought u are suppose to be the one to know mi the best... not i dun wan to spend time to pei ni but i have my work n studies too... u are also in ns now... why cant u jux understand.. jux now in the call when i say i can onli meet u once a wk n u can jux say back angrily then i go find another job lo... so i dun spend my time at hm... wat answer is tat... if u think u need a 24 hr stead... then sorri i am not tat type..... pissed off..... i m realli pissed off..... these couple of days had been toking through tis issues.. i wan get tis idiot problem out of my head... tears seem flowing on n off.......................... i cant stand it aniymore at times.................. i find the right person at the right time????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????"
i quoted tis frm my fren's blog... everi couple gt their own set of probs... but somehow all are all depend on e 2 person... r they goin to make e effort or r dey jux gonna let it b e way it is... a newly couple might b happi... coz they tot dey found each other... soon... dey had different opinions... dey tried to respect each other... but as tings goes on... ppl tend to b selfish... wanted everiting 4 emself... n dey started to tink 'y r u like tis y r u like tt... y cant u b more unstding..' askin 4 more from each other... some manage to pass thru tis stage... some stay e same... n some jux gave up... seekin a life wif someone else... tinking tt e nxt 1 might beta...
so wad's ur choice...
i had a dream... a dream tt i argue wif e ppl closest to me... i was crying bitterly.. but no sound came out... i could feel myself having difficulties to cry... panting heavily... i was like on e verge to die... i wish i reali did... n when i open my eyes.. i reali feel myself not able to cry... but feeling veri tight in my heart n throat... but soon tears rolled out... n i realise even in dreams i could b suffering... n yes... i like to bite myself when i m sad... i wish i could feel e pain physically... so i noe i m not hurt badly mentally...
"i wonder when will our quarrel end... actualli i already sick n tired of quarrelling with u on n off in a couple of days... i thought u are suppose to be the one to know mi the best... not i dun wan to spend time to pei ni but i have my work n studies too... u are also in ns now... why cant u jux understand.. jux now in the call when i say i can onli meet u once a wk n u can jux say back angrily then i go find another job lo... so i dun spend my time at hm... wat answer is tat... if u think u need a 24 hr stead... then sorri i am not tat type..... pissed off..... i m realli pissed off..... these couple of days had been toking through tis issues.. i wan get tis idiot problem out of my head... tears seem flowing on n off.......................... i cant stand it aniymore at times.................. i find the right person at the right time????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????"
i quoted tis frm my fren's blog... everi couple gt their own set of probs... but somehow all are all depend on e 2 person... r they goin to make e effort or r dey jux gonna let it b e way it is... a newly couple might b happi... coz they tot dey found each other... soon... dey had different opinions... dey tried to respect each other... but as tings goes on... ppl tend to b selfish... wanted everiting 4 emself... n dey started to tink 'y r u like tis y r u like tt... y cant u b more unstding..' askin 4 more from each other... some manage to pass thru tis stage... some stay e same... n some jux gave up... seekin a life wif someone else... tinking tt e nxt 1 might beta...
so wad's ur choice...
Friday, August 12, 2005
another day like tis...
help out in pencil n pixel.. noting much.. coz is same old damn bullshit... notin special.. coz is not organised....
aniway.. i felt tt sometimes a lot of tings can happen in jux 1 day... n 1 day actually not long nor short... but if u make gd use of it, it is defintely worth ur time...
tis week is week 11.. next's 12... n i haf gt e following hw to do...:
-3D modelling spaceship ex...
-web proposal n mock up..
-dsnv idea...
-cp NDP logo 2006 (due nxt week) + MTV logo + scrap book
-animation fat man skipping...
-drawing assgn 3 ideas n concept... due nxt week...
actually everi week i gt so mani work to do.. n i always do so little... felt tt i m like hai... duno how to sae... tink is i m disappointed wif myself... i juz hate myself...
aniway.. i felt tt sometimes a lot of tings can happen in jux 1 day... n 1 day actually not long nor short... but if u make gd use of it, it is defintely worth ur time...
tis week is week 11.. next's 12... n i haf gt e following hw to do...:
-3D modelling spaceship ex...
-web proposal n mock up..
-dsnv idea...
-cp NDP logo 2006 (due nxt week) + MTV logo + scrap book
-animation fat man skipping...
-drawing assgn 3 ideas n concept... due nxt week...
actually everi week i gt so mani work to do.. n i always do so little... felt tt i m like hai... duno how to sae... tink is i m disappointed wif myself... i juz hate myself...
Monday, August 08, 2005
BorEd.... n roTT^ng...
oh man.. i haf gt notin to blog..
erm.. went to watch bewitched todae... sch end at 2pm.. den watchin e show at 305.. kinda rush.. den went to eat at delifrance.. but den hor.. service kinda poor sia.. repeat my order so long den e manage like catch no ball.. hai.. qi gek ar.. den lucky i gt check e food tt she gave us.. short of one pasta!!! tt pasta cost me $13.95 leh.. den she nv put...!! wah kao.. i went bak in n tell her i still haf pasta.. can u help me check.. den she like continue to serve e customer duno gt listen one a not!! den me n dear stay down there n wait like iDiot lor.. lucky e manage (indian guy) came up n sae... : take a seat... i noe u all waited veri long.. erm.. so we are to gif u all a complimentary.. which is their drinks lor.. den i tot take away still not bad.. but is drink down there la.. den dear chose peace tea.. den i aniting lor... wah.. den i gulped down e whole class of tea lor... still feelin hot inside..
but e prob is not e time tt we waited... is tt she 4gOTTEN to put in e pasta!! lucky we check.. if not $13.95 gone le lor... but nvm.. still get it bak...
okie... watched bewitched... is a nice show.. sometimes i would tot how great it is if i m witch... coz i can become aniting i wan.. or change aniting tt i like... or juz b somebody... but e show is real nice.. though we din manage to charlie choco factory.. wan watch tt badly...
yest pei yong n rong kuan cycle down to my hse.. chit chat a bit... long time nv c em... RK is like rushin me 4 run to bukit timah hill again.. OH man.. tryin hard.. whaha.. but 1st i wan go swimmin!! duno y... recently juz gt e urge to juz go swimming n jogging.. but still din do it.. n weather is reali damn hot... i actuali tied my hair all day at hm... cant believe it..
aft movie went to look 4 mum to buy some tibbits... n ended helping her to carry stuff.... but nvm.. was playing wif dear.. guessing wad time will rch my hse.. ended both lost.. was kinda childish... but we are aways like tt.. hehee...
unload e stuff.. n we started playing striker 1945... used to b my strongest game... but din play it 4 like veri long.. n we play metal slug.. he kept tempting me sae metal slug 2 beta... i oso dun haf... how to play... tink tt's all....
now watchin america next top model... love tis show.. duno y... there was a period of time gt a urge to do fashion design... though e desire sustain... but will haf serious thoughts abt it... k... cIaO....
erm.. went to watch bewitched todae... sch end at 2pm.. den watchin e show at 305.. kinda rush.. den went to eat at delifrance.. but den hor.. service kinda poor sia.. repeat my order so long den e manage like catch no ball.. hai.. qi gek ar.. den lucky i gt check e food tt she gave us.. short of one pasta!!! tt pasta cost me $13.95 leh.. den she nv put...!! wah kao.. i went bak in n tell her i still haf pasta.. can u help me check.. den she like continue to serve e customer duno gt listen one a not!! den me n dear stay down there n wait like iDiot lor.. lucky e manage (indian guy) came up n sae... : take a seat... i noe u all waited veri long.. erm.. so we are to gif u all a complimentary.. which is their drinks lor.. den i tot take away still not bad.. but is drink down there la.. den dear chose peace tea.. den i aniting lor... wah.. den i gulped down e whole class of tea lor... still feelin hot inside..
but e prob is not e time tt we waited... is tt she 4gOTTEN to put in e pasta!! lucky we check.. if not $13.95 gone le lor... but nvm.. still get it bak...
okie... watched bewitched... is a nice show.. sometimes i would tot how great it is if i m witch... coz i can become aniting i wan.. or change aniting tt i like... or juz b somebody... but e show is real nice.. though we din manage to charlie choco factory.. wan watch tt badly...
yest pei yong n rong kuan cycle down to my hse.. chit chat a bit... long time nv c em... RK is like rushin me 4 run to bukit timah hill again.. OH man.. tryin hard.. whaha.. but 1st i wan go swimmin!! duno y... recently juz gt e urge to juz go swimming n jogging.. but still din do it.. n weather is reali damn hot... i actuali tied my hair all day at hm... cant believe it..
aft movie went to look 4 mum to buy some tibbits... n ended helping her to carry stuff.... but nvm.. was playing wif dear.. guessing wad time will rch my hse.. ended both lost.. was kinda childish... but we are aways like tt.. hehee...
unload e stuff.. n we started playing striker 1945... used to b my strongest game... but din play it 4 like veri long.. n we play metal slug.. he kept tempting me sae metal slug 2 beta... i oso dun haf... how to play... tink tt's all....
now watchin america next top model... love tis show.. duno y... there was a period of time gt a urge to do fashion design... though e desire sustain... but will haf serious thoughts abt it... k... cIaO....
Thursday, July 21, 2005
finally gt time to blog...
erm.. i noe i haben been blogging 4 a long time... i jux cant get used to everiday writting a blog... coz i might reali juz vomit out all my emotions at tt time... n i tink it aint a good ting to show everione..
1st n foremost... tis few weeks haben been gd 4 me.. i haf been chionging all my assgn n was kinda sick... reali sickening when u r tryin to do ur work n ur body juz dun listen to u... was kinda frustrated by a lot of tings.. ppl... affairs... n i m reali getting sick of nyp... DMD.... oh man.. feel like giving up ... coz i m juz not hapi wif everiting... n most imptly myself... tink e most worrying person would be dear le... hai.. sorri tt i was enclosed in my own world again.. sorri.. but i din mean it... juz cant help it.. i noe sometimes i m those who got probs but juz keep quiet... is not tt i dun wana share my prob.. is like so wad if i haf said.. is still gonna be e same... i rather keep it to myself n go thru it... but i noe u r always there 4 me... i noe u wan me to feel less burden n less stress... but e times tt i m wif u areadi lighten half e load... thX deaR...
okie... n 2ndly... term break is coming... OMG.. oni 1 week... n i haf got like 4 assgn to hand in when sch reopens... hai... n i haf gt 3 gathering during e week... n i haben start on ani of e assgn yet.. oh GoD... u r reali are watchin over me... aniway.. blame no1.. is me...
yest n todae felix came my hse... he's so CUUUTTTTEEEE!!!!! love him so much... so smart n cute... juz cant do aniting wif him ard... dey juz went bak not long ago... n here i m blogging... haben touch my animation nor drawing...
bro juz now called home.. .lookin 4 me.. whaha... suprise... coz when i ask him y.. he said: ' noting la.. juz tellin u i coming bak le.. will rch ard 10am in e morn... ' kekee.. tot he gt ting to ask me to do or wad.. kekee.. he's on another m'sia trip.. another island in north-east m'sia... hai.. tis time cant get to go wif him... i still can rem e redang beach n e blistering sun.. n my lobster skin... oh man... miss e beach.. n e vball... n of coz e snorking!! kekee... i wan go take scuba diving... when will i ever save enuff $$$$???? oh yah.. told him tt i wan to buy a external hard disc... n tink he quite supportive leh.. sae help me ask his frenz... *bLinK bLinK* kekee.. aniway.. i slpt on my bro's bed 4 the 1st 3 daes n i realise i cant get up on time.. n i m bak on my own bed... my sis's slpin on his bed.. lazi pig... muz warn him abt e bed... if not will collapse... whaha... S ) evil me... *grin*
kk.. tink i haf to sign off here...
ps: wadever i sae in tis blog is jus wad i wana sae..
if anione of u are offended.. den sorri...
1st n foremost... tis few weeks haben been gd 4 me.. i haf been chionging all my assgn n was kinda sick... reali sickening when u r tryin to do ur work n ur body juz dun listen to u... was kinda frustrated by a lot of tings.. ppl... affairs... n i m reali getting sick of nyp... DMD.... oh man.. feel like giving up ... coz i m juz not hapi wif everiting... n most imptly myself... tink e most worrying person would be dear le... hai.. sorri tt i was enclosed in my own world again.. sorri.. but i din mean it... juz cant help it.. i noe sometimes i m those who got probs but juz keep quiet... is not tt i dun wana share my prob.. is like so wad if i haf said.. is still gonna be e same... i rather keep it to myself n go thru it... but i noe u r always there 4 me... i noe u wan me to feel less burden n less stress... but e times tt i m wif u areadi lighten half e load... thX deaR...
okie... n 2ndly... term break is coming... OMG.. oni 1 week... n i haf got like 4 assgn to hand in when sch reopens... hai... n i haf gt 3 gathering during e week... n i haben start on ani of e assgn yet.. oh GoD... u r reali are watchin over me... aniway.. blame no1.. is me...
yest n todae felix came my hse... he's so CUUUTTTTEEEE!!!!! love him so much... so smart n cute... juz cant do aniting wif him ard... dey juz went bak not long ago... n here i m blogging... haben touch my animation nor drawing...
bro juz now called home.. .lookin 4 me.. whaha... suprise... coz when i ask him y.. he said: ' noting la.. juz tellin u i coming bak le.. will rch ard 10am in e morn... ' kekee.. tot he gt ting to ask me to do or wad.. kekee.. he's on another m'sia trip.. another island in north-east m'sia... hai.. tis time cant get to go wif him... i still can rem e redang beach n e blistering sun.. n my lobster skin... oh man... miss e beach.. n e vball... n of coz e snorking!! kekee... i wan go take scuba diving... when will i ever save enuff $$$$???? oh yah.. told him tt i wan to buy a external hard disc... n tink he quite supportive leh.. sae help me ask his frenz... *bLinK bLinK* kekee.. aniway.. i slpt on my bro's bed 4 the 1st 3 daes n i realise i cant get up on time.. n i m bak on my own bed... my sis's slpin on his bed.. lazi pig... muz warn him abt e bed... if not will collapse... whaha... S ) evil me... *grin*
kk.. tink i haf to sign off here...
ps: wadever i sae in tis blog is jus wad i wana sae..
if anione of u are offended.. den sorri...
Friday, June 24, 2005
a HaPpI OcCAsIon!! ShU LiNg WedDinG~
sHu LiNg is getting married... cONgratS... my only female CoUsin (besides me n my sis) in my muM's family... hmm.. her husband not bad la..tall tall thin thin.. not bad looking... mum n sis look like rico.. but rico look nicer... ?_? kekee... i dunoe...
Hmm... rch there rather late le.. coz sis veri late den fetch us.. erm.. me wear a black dress lor.. todae all accessories PINK one.. keke... even my nails color is light pink.. whaha.. since i so enthu pink??
hmm.. aniway... meet all my relatives... + veri veri veri veri long time no c elderly.... n my COUSIN.. whaha... tis one reali long time no c... wei qiang... when my ah gong saw him... he cried... i almost cried... so touchin lor... imagine u haf a grandson n aft so mani yrs u meet him again... hmm... took lots of pICs! not lots la.. but erm many... den... play wif ah boi... felix... keke.. so notti... juz like so much.. wad to do.. kekee... kk...
duno how to describe to my feelings... is like so hapi.. n so anxious abt my future.. yet i cant do anitin to fast forward e process...
all i had to do now is to enjoi n live it to e fullest...
sHu LiNg is getting married... cONgratS... my only female CoUsin (besides me n my sis) in my muM's family... hmm.. her husband not bad la..tall tall thin thin.. not bad looking... mum n sis look like rico.. but rico look nicer... ?_? kekee... i dunoe...
Hmm... rch there rather late le.. coz sis veri late den fetch us.. erm.. me wear a black dress lor.. todae all accessories PINK one.. keke... even my nails color is light pink.. whaha.. since i so enthu pink??
hmm.. aniway... meet all my relatives... + veri veri veri veri long time no c elderly.... n my COUSIN.. whaha... tis one reali long time no c... wei qiang... when my ah gong saw him... he cried... i almost cried... so touchin lor... imagine u haf a grandson n aft so mani yrs u meet him again... hmm... took lots of pICs! not lots la.. but erm many... den... play wif ah boi... felix... keke.. so notti... juz like so much.. wad to do.. kekee... kk...
duno how to describe to my feelings... is like so hapi.. n so anxious abt my future.. yet i cant do anitin to fast forward e process...
all i had to do now is to enjoi n live it to e fullest...
sOmE thOughTs...
why do ppl tend to take things for granted...?
When u r gd to em dey will b gd wif u n take advantage of u...
Don't dey noe wad is ZI DONG?
Why is the world born wif ppl who r selfish, arrogrant n irritating...?
Is tis their nature or the world causes em to b like tt??
I tink gd frenz are few n true frenz are rare...
juz wana sae tis out..
gotta pack up my mood n go 4 my cousin wedding...
i m bored...
When u r gd to em dey will b gd wif u n take advantage of u...
Don't dey noe wad is ZI DONG?
Why is the world born wif ppl who r selfish, arrogrant n irritating...?
Is tis their nature or the world causes em to b like tt??
I tink gd frenz are few n true frenz are rare...
juz wana sae tis out..
gotta pack up my mood n go 4 my cousin wedding...
i m bored...
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
sEnToSa oUtiNg wiF DmD 0503!!!!
oH Yea... i Finally went to sentosa wif my bunch of babies... keke... so happi man!! though i AV.. sian.. keke... ooPs... :/ but aniway.. gonna sae slowly...
1st i was late.. abit la. not much... rch at 1020... meet @ 10.. but ask em go eat 1st.. veri gd hor.. tis kind of MaMa go where to finD? but aniway.. MiChael... YonG chEng.. n KelVin was here too.. keke.. duno y dey wan to come.. but oso gd la.. e moRe e merRier... n let my babies noe more pPl...
den.. rch there... e guys played soccer... n e gals ... I teach em play 123 jump.. keke.. so funi lor.. we draw 4 by 4 square... den change to 5 by 5.. keke.. den.. play lor.. so mUCh FUN... den.. aft tt rest a while... play poison Ball... tis was like a pri sch game lor.. keke... den we go play voLLeyBall.. though not all played... but still not too bad.. coz e rest played freebis.. duno how to spell.. at least dey are occupied wif sth.. den brianna n hui xuan haf to go le.. cant stay too long.. hai.. but dey did enjoi emselve can le.. kekee...
aft tt... veri slack la.. sun tanning!! a while oni la.. coz i oso bTH... den play MOnkEy... wAter one... kekee.. PaPa veri ChaM.. coz whenever i kena mONkey he will haf to replace me.. keke... thX a loT!! den.... veri lazi.. keke... den tink was ard 3+ almost 4.. coz mIC... Yong ChenG n Kel gtg le.. den we oso go PoNg pOnG... keke... a few more left us... coz some of us wan to c musical fountain n r HUNGRY le.. so go bath le....
den go makan... den walk to musical fountain.. as we walk den gt e 12 zodiac... i was takin photos wif each zodiac statue...den my camera batt died... sian... hai.. coz i cant take pics at muscial fountain le.. hai...!!!! qi GEK ar.. but nvm la..keke.. den by den 2 more left us.. so oni left 8 ppl... from 17 to 8.. keke... nvm.. while waiting 4 musical to start... we played murderER~!! keke... a bit lame i guess.. but is okie la.. juz play lor.. keke... ke lian de yee long i kapo his paper... den i wrote 'YOU ARE MURDER" someBODY told me murderer is like tt spell lor.. hai.. nvm... den play murderer.. veri funi sia... aft tt we play ZONg Ji MI Ma.. keke.. another funi one...
den... e musical fountain is so CHIO lor... wasted leh... my camera no batt.. if not i keep taking photo one... duno y when i was watchin gt a urge to bring my mum here to watch wif me.. kekee.. but tink she will sae i bo liao or wad... hai... but ANYWAY.. is veri nice... den we went off le... kekee... we almost MI LU in sentosa.. keke... reali Lu chi lor... but not in my genes hor.. kekee... den went hm lor..
whaha.. e most QIAO ting is tt i MEt GOU JING in e mRt... kk.. is guo jing la.. keke.. den we chatted quite a lot.. keke.. paiseh leh.. rico.. coz he gt noting much to sae.. so sorri... hmm... den like tt lor.. noting much.. juz rem so mani past memories in SC.. happi moments...
kk.. gonna zZzz... so red now...
1st i was late.. abit la. not much... rch at 1020... meet @ 10.. but ask em go eat 1st.. veri gd hor.. tis kind of MaMa go where to finD? but aniway.. MiChael... YonG chEng.. n KelVin was here too.. keke.. duno y dey wan to come.. but oso gd la.. e moRe e merRier... n let my babies noe more pPl...
den.. rch there... e guys played soccer... n e gals ... I teach em play 123 jump.. keke.. so funi lor.. we draw 4 by 4 square... den change to 5 by 5.. keke.. den.. play lor.. so mUCh FUN... den.. aft tt rest a while... play poison Ball... tis was like a pri sch game lor.. keke... den we go play voLLeyBall.. though not all played... but still not too bad.. coz e rest played freebis.. duno how to spell.. at least dey are occupied wif sth.. den brianna n hui xuan haf to go le.. cant stay too long.. hai.. but dey did enjoi emselve can le.. kekee...
aft tt... veri slack la.. sun tanning!! a while oni la.. coz i oso bTH... den play MOnkEy... wAter one... kekee.. PaPa veri ChaM.. coz whenever i kena mONkey he will haf to replace me.. keke... thX a loT!! den.... veri lazi.. keke... den tink was ard 3+ almost 4.. coz mIC... Yong ChenG n Kel gtg le.. den we oso go PoNg pOnG... keke... a few more left us... coz some of us wan to c musical fountain n r HUNGRY le.. so go bath le....
den go makan... den walk to musical fountain.. as we walk den gt e 12 zodiac... i was takin photos wif each zodiac statue...den my camera batt died... sian... hai.. coz i cant take pics at muscial fountain le.. hai...!!!! qi GEK ar.. but nvm la..keke.. den by den 2 more left us.. so oni left 8 ppl... from 17 to 8.. keke... nvm.. while waiting 4 musical to start... we played murderER~!! keke... a bit lame i guess.. but is okie la.. juz play lor.. keke... ke lian de yee long i kapo his paper... den i wrote 'YOU ARE MURDER" someBODY told me murderer is like tt spell lor.. hai.. nvm... den play murderer.. veri funi sia... aft tt we play ZONg Ji MI Ma.. keke.. another funi one...
den... e musical fountain is so CHIO lor... wasted leh... my camera no batt.. if not i keep taking photo one... duno y when i was watchin gt a urge to bring my mum here to watch wif me.. kekee.. but tink she will sae i bo liao or wad... hai... but ANYWAY.. is veri nice... den we went off le... kekee... we almost MI LU in sentosa.. keke... reali Lu chi lor... but not in my genes hor.. kekee... den went hm lor..
whaha.. e most QIAO ting is tt i MEt GOU JING in e mRt... kk.. is guo jing la.. keke.. den we chatted quite a lot.. keke.. paiseh leh.. rico.. coz he gt noting much to sae.. so sorri... hmm... den like tt lor.. noting much.. juz rem so mani past memories in SC.. happi moments...
kk.. gonna zZzz... so red now...
Thursday, April 28, 2005
bak from OGL camp...
hmm.. bak from camp le... not too bad... like e activites in e canp.. coz some of e games are real nice... noe more ppl.. but some juz CMI.. keke... eh.. dun reali wana go into details la.. mayb coz tire le... spend my 5th month in sch... though notin much.. but thx 4 e blue rose... hai.. din had much to admire it den haf to go camp le... but thx a lot... den... like tt lor.. tml is Pei yUn's bdae... she said bbq is cancel... so tml i still can continue to haf OGL meeting in sch... =p but happi bdae leh Yun... 18 le wor... kkee.. we reali gotta meet up soon leh.. kekee... den tt's all la.. a short short blog... noting to sae...
Monday, April 25, 2005
TML's OGL camp... so last min.. sian.. but nvm... but den hor... now oso no mood to pack... tml den pack.. tml @ 1pm... heard tt results are out.. duno true anot.. mayb is rumour mayb is not.. who knows.. but i dun gif a damn to it animore... jus wana do e tings tt i like...
tiNgs tt i mAyb dOin duRing Holi...
-ST JOHN CAMP... finally... i waited 4 like 3 yrs??
-PeI yuN bdae coming soon.. haben gt her a present.. paiseh...
-wana go SentOSa!~!
-GoNNa trAin Up mY BOdY le!!! where's my GymwoRk...
-n... get a job down my aSs.. kekee...
-wad else... how come i juz 4get everiting... haiyo...
aniway.. mayb tt's all.. PeACE!!
TML's OGL camp... so last min.. sian.. but nvm... but den hor... now oso no mood to pack... tml den pack.. tml @ 1pm... heard tt results are out.. duno true anot.. mayb is rumour mayb is not.. who knows.. but i dun gif a damn to it animore... jus wana do e tings tt i like...
tiNgs tt i mAyb dOin duRing Holi...
-ST JOHN CAMP... finally... i waited 4 like 3 yrs??
-PeI yuN bdae coming soon.. haben gt her a present.. paiseh...
-wana go SentOSa!~!
-GoNNa trAin Up mY BOdY le!!! where's my GymwoRk...
-n... get a job down my aSs.. kekee...
-wad else... how come i juz 4get everiting... haiyo...
aniway.. mayb tt's all.. PeACE!!
Friday, April 22, 2005
a FuCKinG dAy
-a fucking dae
-a fucking teacher
-a fucking school
-a fucking system
-a fucking course
Dont ever come to DMD!
i m freaking tire...
-a fucking teacher
-a fucking school
-a fucking system
-a fucking course
Dont ever come to DMD!
i m freaking tire...
Wednesday, April 06, 2005
3rd daY of StuDio PrOjeCt....
hmmm... 2dae is 3rd dae of studio project le.. eh.. 2dae din do much.. realise i kinda slow... still gt mani ting to do... haiyo.. eh... 2dae done my squash down n fell down.. realise e face is downwards... muz change to faccing upwards... btw.. thx dear 4 helpin me c my animation timing n prob.. thx a lot... coz ur animation oso gt prob.. den still haf to help others c their animation.. u r so WEI DA... kekee....
hmmm... 2dae reali notin much happened leh.. morn wake up watch tv.. den on my way out.. kana shock by dear... coz he stand at e staircase.. haiyo.. xia dao wo... keke.. but i shld haf expected it la.. hmm... 2dae super notin much happen... sian...
fri gonna go watch B gals finals.. vs PHS... 3pm... i m off at 11... go 4 lunch.. den slack wif BG a while.. i guess.. den go down ba...
sian.. notin to do now... watchin tv..
btw 2dae is Wei Qi bdae... so wish u happy bDay.. hope tt ur life in australia is great now.. keke.. =P
hmmm... 2dae reali notin much happened leh.. morn wake up watch tv.. den on my way out.. kana shock by dear... coz he stand at e staircase.. haiyo.. xia dao wo... keke.. but i shld haf expected it la.. hmm... 2dae super notin much happen... sian...
fri gonna go watch B gals finals.. vs PHS... 3pm... i m off at 11... go 4 lunch.. den slack wif BG a while.. i guess.. den go down ba...
sian.. notin to do now... watchin tv..
btw 2dae is Wei Qi bdae... so wish u happy bDay.. hope tt ur life in australia is great now.. keke.. =P
Wednesday, March 30, 2005
*sTreSSed* doWn to 1...
wah.. yest aft having so much fun.. but i reach hm.. still gt stry bd to chiong... coz all e tings is wif me ma.. so gotta edit e frames.. n add in sound effects... but unfortunately.. i realise from e start we are at e wrong format.. which is ..: is not AVI ... Ohh goosh.. mean either redo or die... so i chose to die.. keke.. not so serious la.. can burn into disc can le la.. so n then... ehem... finally fnh it last nite.. n 2dae bring to sch.. hoping can play n not lag leh.. but still gt a bit lag.. coz is 445mb big.. siao rite? not movie leh.. oni a 2 min + video.. but lucky our kind hearted n understanding Ms sHerlYn tAnG (aPpLauSe pLs) did not go into e matter... *cough Cough.. not so serious la.. kekee.. so submit le stry bd.. actuali reali veri tire leh.. al my 2 eye bag coming out le la... becoming 4 eye-monster... kekee... all my pic from yest oso gt eye bag le.. sob sobz...
hmm.. gt make up class 4 drawing lesson... actuali veri lazi n sian le.. coz tire ma.. tot 2dae earli dae can go hm koOn.. but gt make up class.. ohh my god... den hor.. oh .. went to c ms gail abt our stry bd approval 4 studio proj.. Wah KaO!!!!!!!! she wan us to act out it... -_-" den nvm... she dun even listen to our story den jump into conclusion.. wah.. i was down there tryin to swallow all my pride... lucky i did.. if not we wont b seeing her during studio proj.. so qi cAKE!! tink Most Buai SonG one would be MEEee... ShaN.. n Mayb RiCo le.. e rest like notin happened.. nvm la.. .................... -_-" menopause man...
all due to a clueless SeNIOR WoMAn's behaviour... wE lOst our LunCH... i nber eat nvm.. but still gt XIAO DI DI.. RIcO... n ShaN leh... (sounds like i dun need to eat...>_< ) den i called ouR eAsY-goinG, GooD sEnse of dResSinG n HumOuR Drawing TeachEr mR edwIN to let us off 4 lunCH... coz is 12 le.. den.. erm.. he kinda angry leh.. he sae i oSO HABEN EAT LEH... ask us to go to studio 1st.. den reach there.. at 1st he kinda fierce leh.. but later on.. he sae k lor.. den we go 4 lunch break now.. whahaa.. he DoteS US maN... is like eh... 7 or 9 of us haben eat.. den e rest all eaten le.. so paiseh.. coz dey haf to wait.. he said 15 mins break.. by RighT we shld reach at 12.35... but by left we reach there at 1pm.. tot dey will start drawing w/o us... but okie la.. started together.. keke.. at least there's some ppl worth our hard work... kekee... den aft drawing... went to submit e specialisation form.. OMG.. we reali super lame lor.. e deaD linE is 5pm.. we were there at 3pm... waited n waited n waited n waited n waited... till 3.40pm den all FINALLY decide den hand in.. tink quite a few last min changes... i change to AnImE 1st den IM.. RiCo is ANiMe den DFV... Shan is DFV den ANiMe... wah.. hopfully can meet up in future... reali enjoi e days wif BG... but recently BG kinda not so unite le.. sad... but not much time left 4 us le.. tis is week 15 le.. 3 more weeks onI.. *soBz *soBz
aft nagging 4 so long.. tis is finally to last part of my dae.. kekee... tml ThuR which means... DEADLINE 4 BUs AD AssGn.. started from ZER0 again.. no idea.. no inspirations... no confidence... moreover i so enthu come hm wan take pic... take all e food pics le.. end up nber use.. coz WHY? i m PhotoSHoP iDiot... hai... so sad... ended up doin illustration.. advertising a Pub... n e tag LinE is my AH boI tink one.. smart boY... keke.. he help me alot.. thx... despite e fact tt u still need to touch up urs.. thX...
tink tt's all....
-gonna post my bus ad pics... kekee..
-n my food pics.. muz show show a bit.. whaha..
-left drawins assgn to do oni.. Phew... FinaLly...
-btw all e pics below are taken by me hor.. keke...
hmm.. gt make up class 4 drawing lesson... actuali veri lazi n sian le.. coz tire ma.. tot 2dae earli dae can go hm koOn.. but gt make up class.. ohh my god... den hor.. oh .. went to c ms gail abt our stry bd approval 4 studio proj.. Wah KaO!!!!!!!! she wan us to act out it... -_-" den nvm... she dun even listen to our story den jump into conclusion.. wah.. i was down there tryin to swallow all my pride... lucky i did.. if not we wont b seeing her during studio proj.. so qi cAKE!! tink Most Buai SonG one would be MEEee... ShaN.. n Mayb RiCo le.. e rest like notin happened.. nvm la.. .................... -_-" menopause man...
all due to a clueless SeNIOR WoMAn's behaviour... wE lOst our LunCH... i nber eat nvm.. but still gt XIAO DI DI.. RIcO... n ShaN leh... (sounds like i dun need to eat...>_< ) den i called ouR eAsY-goinG, GooD sEnse of dResSinG n HumOuR Drawing TeachEr mR edwIN to let us off 4 lunCH... coz is 12 le.. den.. erm.. he kinda angry leh.. he sae i oSO HABEN EAT LEH... ask us to go to studio 1st.. den reach there.. at 1st he kinda fierce leh.. but later on.. he sae k lor.. den we go 4 lunch break now.. whahaa.. he DoteS US maN... is like eh... 7 or 9 of us haben eat.. den e rest all eaten le.. so paiseh.. coz dey haf to wait.. he said 15 mins break.. by RighT we shld reach at 12.35... but by left we reach there at 1pm.. tot dey will start drawing w/o us... but okie la.. started together.. keke.. at least there's some ppl worth our hard work... kekee... den aft drawing... went to submit e specialisation form.. OMG.. we reali super lame lor.. e deaD linE is 5pm.. we were there at 3pm... waited n waited n waited n waited n waited... till 3.40pm den all FINALLY decide den hand in.. tink quite a few last min changes... i change to AnImE 1st den IM.. RiCo is ANiMe den DFV... Shan is DFV den ANiMe... wah.. hopfully can meet up in future... reali enjoi e days wif BG... but recently BG kinda not so unite le.. sad... but not much time left 4 us le.. tis is week 15 le.. 3 more weeks onI.. *soBz *soBz
aft nagging 4 so long.. tis is finally to last part of my dae.. kekee... tml ThuR which means... DEADLINE 4 BUs AD AssGn.. started from ZER0 again.. no idea.. no inspirations... no confidence... moreover i so enthu come hm wan take pic... take all e food pics le.. end up nber use.. coz WHY? i m PhotoSHoP iDiot... hai... so sad... ended up doin illustration.. advertising a Pub... n e tag LinE is my AH boI tink one.. smart boY... keke.. he help me alot.. thx... despite e fact tt u still need to touch up urs.. thX...
tink tt's all....
-gonna post my bus ad pics... kekee..
-n my food pics.. muz show show a bit.. whaha..
-left drawins assgn to do oni.. Phew... FinaLly...
-btw all e pics below are taken by me hor.. keke...
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
Cp PresentAtiOn...
List of tings:
-Stry Bd test
-Cp Presentation
-Digi aSSGn...
-n wad else??
morn at 9 gt stry bd test.. eh... dinreali study.. but read thru... hai... but dunoe y ended up sitting wif mel.. sulin.. dey all.. haiyo... y not BG??!! arrhgGhh... den i cant speak so loudly to ss abt e ans.. muz ask her to c herself.. but she oso nber studi ... follow me oso die too...
Cp presentation... OMG... mike OOH so chang qi... presentation was 12 - 3 ... 4 den continue again.. wad duh!! MOREOVER>.. MIKE OH is one of those lecturers who do not understand wd we tink or sae... cant c e creative in us.. whaha.. bhb... so kinda communication breakdown.. but lucky 2dae i shoot him back!!! whaha... rico n ss still luff.. keke.. den... he ask qns stupidly... OMG... nvm.. end up 2+ we tell him we nber eat. wan to eat.. tell him gt digi aft wards... den he finally keng let us off..
hmm.. den digi.. eh.. gt bak our assgn.. n hand in another assgn of a safety poster... which i anihow do.. n is like yest morn den do.. using Photoshop.. which i totally is a moron to it... kekee... so i beta show it ... coz it kinda suck.. den... wad else ar?
hmm... oh.. aft everi ting.. me n ss stay in toilet take photos again.. siao liao... zi lian.. whaha..
tings to do later:
-post my CP.. i painted it hor.. but kinda ugly....
-post my mag layout..
-post PICS!!
-Stry Bd test
-Cp Presentation
-Digi aSSGn...
-n wad else??
morn at 9 gt stry bd test.. eh... dinreali study.. but read thru... hai... but dunoe y ended up sitting wif mel.. sulin.. dey all.. haiyo... y not BG??!! arrhgGhh... den i cant speak so loudly to ss abt e ans.. muz ask her to c herself.. but she oso nber studi ... follow me oso die too...
Cp presentation... OMG... mike OOH so chang qi... presentation was 12 - 3 ... 4 den continue again.. wad duh!! MOREOVER>.. MIKE OH is one of those lecturers who do not understand wd we tink or sae... cant c e creative in us.. whaha.. bhb... so kinda communication breakdown.. but lucky 2dae i shoot him back!!! whaha... rico n ss still luff.. keke.. den... he ask qns stupidly... OMG... nvm.. end up 2+ we tell him we nber eat. wan to eat.. tell him gt digi aft wards... den he finally keng let us off..
hmm.. den digi.. eh.. gt bak our assgn.. n hand in another assgn of a safety poster... which i anihow do.. n is like yest morn den do.. using Photoshop.. which i totally is a moron to it... kekee... so i beta show it ... coz it kinda suck.. den... wad else ar?
hmm... oh.. aft everi ting.. me n ss stay in toilet take photos again.. siao liao... zi lian.. whaha..
tings to do later:
-post my CP.. i painted it hor.. but kinda ugly....
-post my mag layout..
-post PICS!!

tiS is my cReatiVe ProCess AssGn.. a total of 15 weeks to do.. but i din use 15.. tink i use 1 afternoon to complete e painting n colouring.. looks kinda ugly n messy.. but not my room la.. is on another fren.. eh.. so like tt lor..
BTW.. i uses differents MedIA... i 4get to mention during my presentation!!!
Friday, March 18, 2005
hai.... i duno whether i can take it animore....
hai... i reali duno i can take it animore.... i feel so sad... a moment of happiness n another moment of saddness... cant it juz last longer... i haf areadi tried my best to be hapi.... but yet... deep inside i noe i haf hurt u.. but not oni u... my heart hurts too... i m not dead... i still living.. living in .... arrrggg... i hate tt... y cant u juz be like normal ppl... i feel so depressed... wif all e assgn deadline... n e horrible Studio ProjeCt coming on... LIFE SUX... i juz wana go slp... go swimming... go jogging.. to clear my mind.... enclosed myself... dun come in... i'll b nasty...
Thursday, March 10, 2005
gReEeeeAt wOrld... keke...
slpt ard 4 hrS oNi.. kekee.. was kinda tire .. but okie le la.. last nite discuss sth tt tis morn supposed to do one... but den hor.. end up dun haf.. coz not successful...
2dae wore hOOdy 2 sch.. coz HamTaRo n YF juz bought new hooDy.. so wear lor.. den hor... imagine 6 ppl walking to sch at 12 noON... wearin hHooDy.. ppl c le oso sae Siao la.. kekee... haiyo.. cant believe we are doin it.. keke...
erm.. 2dae get bak DF results... eh.. alrite la.. B-.. at 1st a bit sian.. but nvm la... reali not veri nice ma.. .... so mani gt A- n A.. wah.. xian mu... den nvm.. DF assgN 3 is here.. Bus Advertisement... wah... so diff... duno wad to do leh.. haiyo.. so luan.. n so mani AssGn 2 do.. si liao la... where gt time... hai...
aft lesson.. went to eat MAc.. den decided not to go animation.. coz no mood... duno y oso.. hmm... mayb coz sian... duno la.. den me RiCO n Ss.. all nber go Anime de pai kia went to GreAt woRld 2 buy present 4 mel n YF... haiyo... we walk ard... went to molecule.. one of my fav shop... kekee.. nice leh.. their tings.. so chio n creative.. we ended up buying a cute SPeakeR 4 YF.. + a set of those trick candles... blow oso cant blow out... kekee... n a self grown plant 4 mel... all i pay 1st... wah... so broke le la... hopefully pay me bak leh.. if not u c me at orchard takin bowl le... kekee...
oh yah.. CJ msg rico sae all 3 of us gt A 4 animation.. kekee.. so hapi.... den CJ oso sae wad i top Frap... tot all A how to be TOP... den is me gt 2 A+.. dey dun haf.. kekee... feel veri hapi 4 my animation.. but oso veri bad.. coz skip ABT lesson.. haiyo.. so guilty...
hmmm... took 75 home... wah... coz yest din slp much.. end up slpin in bus... wah... we overslept... den e bus driver come out to call us.. Moreover.. we sat behind hor... whahaa.. so paiseh... sorry ar uncle... not enuff slp is like tt de.. kekee....
rch hm.. den realise my hse nobodi... haiyo... den 3 xiN 2 Yi... but end up nber... =X
RatIng 4 e Day... 75% founD a nEw mEthOd.. kekee..
2dae wore hOOdy 2 sch.. coz HamTaRo n YF juz bought new hooDy.. so wear lor.. den hor... imagine 6 ppl walking to sch at 12 noON... wearin hHooDy.. ppl c le oso sae Siao la.. kekee... haiyo.. cant believe we are doin it.. keke...
erm.. 2dae get bak DF results... eh.. alrite la.. B-.. at 1st a bit sian.. but nvm la... reali not veri nice ma.. .... so mani gt A- n A.. wah.. xian mu... den nvm.. DF assgN 3 is here.. Bus Advertisement... wah... so diff... duno wad to do leh.. haiyo.. so luan.. n so mani AssGn 2 do.. si liao la... where gt time... hai...
aft lesson.. went to eat MAc.. den decided not to go animation.. coz no mood... duno y oso.. hmm... mayb coz sian... duno la.. den me RiCO n Ss.. all nber go Anime de pai kia went to GreAt woRld 2 buy present 4 mel n YF... haiyo... we walk ard... went to molecule.. one of my fav shop... kekee.. nice leh.. their tings.. so chio n creative.. we ended up buying a cute SPeakeR 4 YF.. + a set of those trick candles... blow oso cant blow out... kekee... n a self grown plant 4 mel... all i pay 1st... wah... so broke le la... hopefully pay me bak leh.. if not u c me at orchard takin bowl le... kekee...
oh yah.. CJ msg rico sae all 3 of us gt A 4 animation.. kekee.. so hapi.... den CJ oso sae wad i top Frap... tot all A how to be TOP... den is me gt 2 A+.. dey dun haf.. kekee... feel veri hapi 4 my animation.. but oso veri bad.. coz skip ABT lesson.. haiyo.. so guilty...
hmmm... took 75 home... wah... coz yest din slp much.. end up slpin in bus... wah... we overslept... den e bus driver come out to call us.. Moreover.. we sat behind hor... whahaa.. so paiseh... sorry ar uncle... not enuff slp is like tt de.. kekee....
rch hm.. den realise my hse nobodi... haiyo... den 3 xiN 2 Yi... but end up nber... =X
RatIng 4 e Day... 75% founD a nEw mEthOd.. kekee..
Wednesday, March 09, 2005
SpeCiaLisAtioN taLk...
eh... 2dae strybd... OMG... so ealir.. 8am... i kinda overslpt.... notin to do in class.. coz lazi.. keke.. plus usually do at hm one.. end up watchin HAPPY TREE FRIENDS.. whaha.. so violent... but veri cute.. whaha..
den went to eat... den went 4 animation lect.. haha.. i fell aslp AGAIN... haiyo... cant believe i so pig rite.. keke... den start to haf specialisation talk.... on IM... GAMEs... DFV... luan... i oso duno wad to chose... btw... DFV in NYP reali suX man.. hai.. si bai ar.. wad DT said was rite.. kekee... hmm... but i like not gan kiong leh. keke... wana tok to my bRO.. but he working.. arGggHH... when u come bak?????!!!!
den.... oh yah... went to watch Howl MovinG CastLe.. veri nice.. Howl so yan Dao.. n e boy so cute... n e FIRE.. whaha... crucifier... so cute... e cinema so empty one... like gt ghost like tt.. haiyo.. keke... den went hm... kana scolded by my mum.. sae me always go hm late... den cook le... so late den eat.. might asl well dun cook 4 me.. sob...
RAting was as HigH as 80%... but FinaL rAting is 65%... duno y leh.... keke... btw... duno y 2dae leg veri itchy...
den went to eat... den went 4 animation lect.. haha.. i fell aslp AGAIN... haiyo... cant believe i so pig rite.. keke... den start to haf specialisation talk.... on IM... GAMEs... DFV... luan... i oso duno wad to chose... btw... DFV in NYP reali suX man.. hai.. si bai ar.. wad DT said was rite.. kekee... hmm... but i like not gan kiong leh. keke... wana tok to my bRO.. but he working.. arGggHH... when u come bak?????!!!!
den.... oh yah... went to watch Howl MovinG CastLe.. veri nice.. Howl so yan Dao.. n e boy so cute... n e FIRE.. whaha... crucifier... so cute... e cinema so empty one... like gt ghost like tt.. haiyo.. keke... den went hm... kana scolded by my mum.. sae me always go hm late... den cook le... so late den eat.. might asl well dun cook 4 me.. sob...
RAting was as HigH as 80%... but FinaL rAting is 65%... duno y leh.... keke... btw... duno y 2dae leg veri itchy...
Tuesday, March 08, 2005
eh... 2dae veri tire.. coz yest oni slpt like 2 or 3 hrs b4 goin to sch.. so... is veri tire lor.. blur blur de gan jue.. slp in drawing lect... den ss sae gt hear sound.. ARRRhhh.. kekee... coz i gt block nose.. den e flam veri irritating.. hai.. den no strybd lect.. if i noe dun haf.. i cfm nber come so earli one.... aft tt went to fj.. do CP... edit my SP... ss help me... kekee... thx ar.. chit chat.. lame... CP lesson so sian... n boring... n STUPID... coz of mike Oh la.. duno wad he wan oso... so kuku one... den... tink he oso pissed off y our class... den ... aft CP went to library to SLP.. whaha.. coz me SS n ReeKo... sick ma.. den we go library SLp.. while e rest so Digi layout.. keke..
den ... Digi lesson so sian... c tt BitCH demo PS... den hor.. DUnoe how to use magic eraser tool.. whaha.. MALU... hai.. duno den dun teach la.. so hiao.. den critize me n SS.... sae my idea bad... nvm... 1 day u will die in my hand... whaha... keke.. but ss oso veri pissed by her.. coz she said sth real bad abt us.. hur!!!! den like tt lor..
on our way hm.. den YF like sick.. 1st time c him sick.. haiyo.. muz b infected from us.. kekee... 3 virus together leh... power Up.. keke...
den ... eh... like tt lor.. hmmm... 2dae more ahem n experience sth different... eh.. duno wad to sae... rating 70% =X
btw... lucky 2dae notin happened... if not i would dead .... kekee... regarding yest...coz will take some time to 4get...
den ... Digi lesson so sian... c tt BitCH demo PS... den hor.. DUnoe how to use magic eraser tool.. whaha.. MALU... hai.. duno den dun teach la.. so hiao.. den critize me n SS.... sae my idea bad... nvm... 1 day u will die in my hand... whaha... keke.. but ss oso veri pissed by her.. coz she said sth real bad abt us.. hur!!!! den like tt lor..
on our way hm.. den YF like sick.. 1st time c him sick.. haiyo.. muz b infected from us.. kekee... 3 virus together leh... power Up.. keke...
den ... eh... like tt lor.. hmmm... 2dae more ahem n experience sth different... eh.. duno wad to sae... rating 70% =X
btw... lucky 2dae notin happened... if not i would dead .... kekee... regarding yest...coz will take some time to 4get...
Monday, March 07, 2005
wHaHa.. 2dae BcUm MoDeL sIa... BHB... -_-"
erm... 2dae MOndaE... sulin sae wana come my hse to take pics of me 4 CP... den hor... i woke up at 9+ almost 10... den quickly pack e hse.. do hsework... coz dey coming ma... den if dirty so bad rite.. hai... moreover still a bit sick do ... den HOR!!! 11+ called sulin... she sae she n farah goin to sch 1st den go bras basah buy ting den meet me... wah.. siao liao la... means by e time shld b evening le ba... -_-" den i oso no mood to do CP or digi.. sian.... den he came... den.... end up suppose to meet SU n faRaH at 345.. but sth happened... den was late when meet SU n FarAh... sorri leh.. haiyo... erm... sth shockin n suprising happened... my mood was like wah.. siao liao la... tis time round.. praying wif my heart notin will happened... .....
den meet SU n FaRah... went to KepPeL gOlF ClUb... Wah... a veri nice place to chill out at.. coz e view was magnificent... did i spell wrongly?? erm... den took some pics... den SU treat us 4 dinner.. so paiseh.. but thx leh.. den... went hm... den kana scolded by mum 4 coming hm late.. sian.. haiyo... situation was so tense when i stepped into e hse.. haiyo.. my heart almost fell out...
luCky notin muCh happened... if not... i wouldnt b here le... keke...
bottom are some fwe shots tt i lOVE ... case u wonder why all cant c face or wad... haf la.. but i nber post.. coz piaseh.. kekee.. aniway i tink backview more chio.. somehow can show my character... keke.. Thx Su.. well done...
den meet SU n FaRah... went to KepPeL gOlF ClUb... Wah... a veri nice place to chill out at.. coz e view was magnificent... did i spell wrongly?? erm... den took some pics... den SU treat us 4 dinner.. so paiseh.. but thx leh.. den... went hm... den kana scolded by mum 4 coming hm late.. sian.. haiyo... situation was so tense when i stepped into e hse.. haiyo.. my heart almost fell out...
luCky notin muCh happened... if not... i wouldnt b here le... keke...
bottom are some fwe shots tt i lOVE ... case u wonder why all cant c face or wad... haf la.. but i nber post.. coz piaseh.. kekee.. aniway i tink backview more chio.. somehow can show my character... keke.. Thx Su.. well done...
Saturday, March 05, 2005
hMmm... aBit SiCk....
hmm.... actuali yest a bit sick le... mayb cause e dae b4 cry too much.. den veri tire.... den yest nber slp earli... but nvm la... 2dae wake up... running nose... den actuali wana do Photoshop one.. but end up nber... coz tire ba... n sick... so watch vcd wif my dad... soeul raiders... den...
den ate luch.. wait 4 baby to leave hse den i go bath... den meet him go plaza... i bought a set of new markers.. whahaa.. coz suddenly wana use markers.. kekee... den.... wana do CP at mos burger one... but end up oso no idea... kekee.. so we started to do some drawing... kekee....
den at tt time... was a bit sick... den wana close my eyes n rest... but i still can make it la... ard5 went hm.. den my sis n us went to fetch my mum... den headed to 4th aunt hse...
hmm... not much ppl here yet... den... was not feeling well... aft dinner watch I DO I DO wif my BIG BIG BIG family.. kekee... den was like... hmmm... juz wana close my eyes n rest... or slp... but still tahan...hmm... 8+ felix came... kekee.. so cute...played wif him ... kelvin was playing wif him hp.. den suddenly... he jump on me wor... scare me... kekee... den started a nice game liao.. whaha.. so cute.. BTH him leh... hope my kids in future oso so cute.... kekee... den took some videos of him... 2dae no pic.. kekee... den... ard 9 goin hm le... went down stairs saw felix mum... bake le agar agar... den my mum like greedy lor.. wana eat... she mention it when we were on our way le.. den kelvin n 4th aunt called to ask us go bak... kekee... my mum juz cant resist e temptation... den... play wif felix again.. he jump on me again wor.. whahaa... den gt another time.. wah.. i kana knock my head on e wall... when he jumped on me.. so pain sia... suddenly like wake up le.. haiyo... but hai hao a while later okie le... if not i cry sia.. kekee...
hmmm... rch hm... bath... den now online.. chatting wif rico... cj... yf... not CHATTING .... iS gossiping~! kekee... zzZzzzzZzzz
den ate luch.. wait 4 baby to leave hse den i go bath... den meet him go plaza... i bought a set of new markers.. whahaa.. coz suddenly wana use markers.. kekee... den.... wana do CP at mos burger one... but end up oso no idea... kekee.. so we started to do some drawing... kekee....
den at tt time... was a bit sick... den wana close my eyes n rest... but i still can make it la... ard5 went hm.. den my sis n us went to fetch my mum... den headed to 4th aunt hse...
hmm... not much ppl here yet... den... was not feeling well... aft dinner watch I DO I DO wif my BIG BIG BIG family.. kekee... den was like... hmmm... juz wana close my eyes n rest... or slp... but still tahan...hmm... 8+ felix came... kekee.. so cute...played wif him ... kelvin was playing wif him hp.. den suddenly... he jump on me wor... scare me... kekee... den started a nice game liao.. whaha.. so cute.. BTH him leh... hope my kids in future oso so cute.... kekee... den took some videos of him... 2dae no pic.. kekee... den... ard 9 goin hm le... went down stairs saw felix mum... bake le agar agar... den my mum like greedy lor.. wana eat... she mention it when we were on our way le.. den kelvin n 4th aunt called to ask us go bak... kekee... my mum juz cant resist e temptation... den... play wif felix again.. he jump on me again wor.. whahaa... den gt another time.. wah.. i kana knock my head on e wall... when he jumped on me.. so pain sia... suddenly like wake up le.. haiyo... but hai hao a while later okie le... if not i cry sia.. kekee...
hmmm... rch hm... bath... den now online.. chatting wif rico... cj... yf... not CHATTING .... iS gossiping~! kekee... zzZzzzzZzzz
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