Wednesday, September 08, 2004

~XiaO HuA xIao CaO~ pArT 2

Ss had her game of voting todae... hmm... she was leading all e way... unfortunately 2wards e end... e other gal's fren all came up to support... tink is kinda unfair.. coz she's in yr 3 n retained 1 yr... so is like 4 yrs in NYp... apparently she has gt more frenz ritE?? hai... dun tink is fair... but nvm... is juz a game.. initiately oso dunoe wd to sae 2 SS aft e game... but she kana suan by MIc a lot sia.. buai taHan hIm... keep sayin her "sIao Hua" hahaa...

hmm... tink tis fridae goNNa watch movie wif Bg...


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